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Education Center

Below are Yampa Valley Bank's educational resources to help our customers learn more about fraud prevention and information security.  Watch our video tutorials to learn how to navigate both personal and business online banking, our mobile app, and more.

Focus on Fraud with YVB

How Can We Help You?



Fraud Education and Prevention

Whether it is school, work, or social events, many parts of our normal life have shifted from in-person to on-line. With these changes, unfortunately, also come malicious cyber-criminals looking to take advantage of this increase in on-line activity.

Yampa Valley Bank puts the security of your information as our top priority. We want to remind all of our customers to do their part in keeping their information safe as well. 

Please remember that Yampa Valley Bank will NEVER call you asking for:

  • your entire Social Security Number
  • your online banking user ID or password
  • your entire debit card number
  • your debit card pin number

Money IQ

Managing your finances isn't an easy task. We can help. MoneyIQ and MoneyIQ for Business videos share important information on topics to help you better understand your financial life. The Money IQ program is designed to help you make sound financial decisions on how to better manage and grow your finances! New videos are added regularly.

MoneyIQ - Latest Videos
MoneyIQ - Personal Finance Videos
MoneyIQ - Avoid Scams Videos
MoneyIQ - Young Adults Videos
MoneyIQ - Real Estate Videos

Personal Video Tutorials

Alerts for Mobile Banking Video
Alerts for Online Banking Video
Debit Cards Video
eStatements Video
Identity Theft Prevention Video
Manage My Cards Video
Mobile Banking Video
Online Banking Video
Online Bill Pay Video
Smart Deposit ATM Video
Zelle® Video
Zelle® Spanish Video

Personal Click-Thru Demos

MoneyIQ for Business

MoneyIQ for Business - Business Advice Videos
MoneyIQ for Business - Cyber Security Videos
MoneyIQ for Business - Latest Videos
MoneyIQ for Business - Taxes

Business Video Tutorials

Alerts for Business Online Banking Video
Business Bill Pay Video
Business Online Banking Video
ID Theft For Business Video

Business Click-Thru Demos

Focus on Fraud Articles

Raising a Red Flag

You may not know it, but fraud is currently ravaging our Northwest Colorado communities. Crimes of this nature (such as scams) are less visible as they get little-to-no press and their victims are often silent. At YVB we want to raise awareness about fraud since we see first-hand the devastation it brings. In this series of articles we'll be bringing fraud into focus: we’ll highlight popular scams, go over what to do if you’re a victim, and share prevention tips so that we can help each other rise above deception.

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Dealing with the Aftermath

Embarrassment. Guilt. Anger. Fear. Helplessness. These are all common and normal emotions a victim of fraud may experience. However, “it’s important to realize scammers are good at their jobs! They are cunning and believable, with deceptions designed to psychologically manipulate even the smartest among us. They use fear, desperation, and our own emotions against us to get what they want most, YOUR MONEY!” advises Becca Knowles, Vice President, Senior Operations & Security Officer with YVB.

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How to Spot a Scam

Previously, we outlined some basic rules for avoiding fraud, and we also went over what to do if you become a victim. Now, we’ll share some of today's most prolific scams and give you tips to bypass them. Click through to learn what to watch out for when it comes to imposter scams, romance / facebook friend scams, computer virus / takeover scams, overpayment scams and employment scams.

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Become Fraud-Proof

With no end to fraud in sight, our best bet is to spread awareness, become educated, and take precautions. We outlined some basic rules for avoiding fraud, gave advice on how to deal with its aftermath, and exposed today’s popular scams and how to spot them. Now we’ll discuss fraud prevention measures, which are particularly important for those of us who spend time online.

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Guarding Against QR Code Scams

In an era dominated by digital transactions and contactless technology, QR codes have become an integral part of our daily lives. From making payments to accessing websites and sharing information, QR codes provide a convenient and efficient way to connect the physical and digital worlds. However, with the increasing popularity of QR codes, there's also a rise in QR code scams, also known as "Quishing,"that can compromise your digital security.

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Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

PII is defined as information:

(i) that directly identifies an individual (e.g., name, address, social security number or other identifying number or code, telephone number, email address, etc.) or

(ii) by which an agency intends to identify specific individuals in conjunction with other data elements, i.e., indirect identification. (These data elements may include a combination of gender, race, birth date, geographic indicator, and other descriptors).

Additionally, information permitting the physical or online contacting of a specific individual is the same as personally identifiable information.  Safeguarding our customers PII is something Yampa Valley Bank takes very seriously,  and we want to make sure our customers do their part to protect themselves as well.

If you receive a call that asks for any personal information as it relates to your bank accounts, please hang up immediately and call your local branch at 970-879-2993 or 970-824-3600 with any concerns. The call may even seem like it is coming from one of the bank's phone numbers; unfortunately with today's technology, caller ID numbers can be easily "spoofed."

In general, scammers continue to take advantage of fears and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19. Many emails and websites may promise vital information about the pandemic but are, in fact, scams that push malware or attempts to steal your passwords and personal information. 

Tips to prevent this from happening to you:
• Don’t open attachments or click on links unless you are 100% sure where they came from. If you aren’t sure, call the person at a number that you know to be accurate, or otherwise confirm legitimacy before clicking.
• Be careful about people using calls/voicemail or text message to get your personal information. If someone is calling or texting for personal information or payment information, just say no.
• Never give out your social security number by email, text, or over the phone to someone you don’t know
• Check your credit report once a year at freecreditreport.com to make sure everything looks correct
• Keep your financial institution up to date with your current phone number, email address, and mailing address so that they can get in touch with you if they have questions or concerns
• Look at your credit card statements daily or turn on notifications through your online banking. The amount of fraud is rising dramatically – turn on notifications for all purchases on your cards, set limits and check your statements daily. It’ll take a few minutes a day, but it can save hours of hassle if they aren’t discovered until later.
• There are some “hot topics” besides coronavirus. The CARES Act/Economic Relief. Shelter-in-place. Toilet paper. Criminals will use these buzzwords to make you want to click.
• Click here for additional information from the FTC regarding coronavirus phishing and malware attempts.


Types of frauds to look out for:

• Man-in-the-Middle Fraud

• Injured/Arrested Family Member Scam
• IRS Scam
• Secret Shopper
• Facebook Friend Scam
• Social Security Scam
• Medicare and Prescription Drug Schemes
• Bereavement Scams
• Investment Fraud
• Computer Virus Scam
• Computer Takeover
• Craigslist/Paypal Scam
• Lottery or Inheritance Scam

• Mortgage and Refinance Scams




Information Security

The best way to avoid becoming a victim of scams and frauds, is to protect your personal information.

We recommend setting up Alerts on your Yampa Valley Bank accounts,  to stay ahead of any fraudulent activity.

  • Alerts for Mobile Banking Video
  • Alerts for Online Banking Video
  • Alerts for Business Online Banking Video
  • Identity Theft Prevention Video

One simple way to protect yourself and your PII is by setting up a Multifactor Authentication (MFA) to your email. You can add this to your Gmail account here.

Read below to learn more about common online scams, and how to protect yourself from them.

10 Cybersecurity Tips

1. Enable the strongest authentication tools offered

2. Use unique passphrases as passwords
3. Do a system check and purge outdated apps and files
4. Manage social media settings and minimize information sharing
5. Use Wi-Fi judiciously and limit business over public Wi-Fi
6. Monitor account activity regularly and report discrepancies immediately
7. Back up intellectual property 
8. Read the fine print
9. Be mindful when shopping online 
10. Look for special indicators such as web addresses with https:// that denote extra measures taken to help secure your information



External Resources

Avoiding Social Engineering Attacks

In a social engineering attack, an attacker attempts to exploit someone’s trust in order to steal their information in order to commit fraud or identity theft. This resource describes the most common attacks and provides tips to steal information.

View PDF

Internet Banking Security

This is a list of websites meant to provide our customers with additional resources to learn more about information security and fraud prevention.

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Mobile Financial Services Security

This page details some security tips for protection your information while using mobile banking services.

View PDF


Online Security, Additional Resources

This page features a list of additional websites and resources regarding information security.

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Yampa Valley Bank IB Risk Assessment

This assessment is provided to assist commercial internet banking users in identifying threats and measuring the strength of their controls in place.

Download Assessment

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